Category - Water


Malawi SRB and Intaka Tech Collaboration

Intaka Tech successfully completed the first installation phase of a 56.5 m3/hr water purification plant at the Lichenza Dam in the Thyolo district of Malawi. The project was executed in conjunction with the Southern Region Water Board of Malawi to provide portable drinking water to the new Malawi University of Science and Technology located in …


Intaka Tech completes the first three Water Treatment Stations for the Gabonese Government

South-South Cooperation is a term historically used to describe the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between developing countries, also known as countries of the Global South. Intaka Tech, located in South Africa, is proud to be part of this South-South Cooperation principle, which shows that African countries, such as Gabon, are looking at African …


Bakoumba Water Treatment Station, Gabon

After 18 years of semi-drought, the village residents are welcoming the efforts made by the highest hierarchy of the country, who have just realised the promise that they made. The precious water harnessed at the Miaghassa river was received at a new-generation station ordered from South Africa. An experimental project has been applied at Pana, …


Intaka Tech WPP Installed at Jozini Dam in Kwa Zulu Natal

One of Intaka’s twenty Water Treatment Plant model WPP050, sold to the Department of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affair, was recently installed at the foot of the Jozini (Pongolapoort) Dam. The plant will serve as an interim potable water solution while Government completes a much larger water scheme in the area. Once this larger scheme …


Intaka Tech completes Gabon electrical and maintenance installation

On the 27th November Intaka embarked on a trip to Gabon to complete the mechanical and electrical installations on 3 plants supplied to the Gabonese government. Intaka’s 3 man team, consisting of Stefan Oosthuizen (HOD of Water), Ricardo Burns (Quality Control Manager) and Nazeem Rylands (Technician) travelled to the specified sites which are approximately 730km …


Gabon Government Taps Into South Africa Solution To Solve Water Crisis

For most South Africans accessing safe, drinking water is as simple as opening a tap in their home. However in Gabon, residents in rural areas and the poorer suburbs of big cities have to walk several hundred metres to obtain water from more privileged neighbourhoods. Water pollution has exacerbated the situation. To remedy the situation, …


Embuthweni Water Purification Plant

In December 2010, one of the twenty Intaka Tech Water Purification Plants (WPP’s) bought by the KZN Department of Co-operative Government and Traditional Affairs (DCGTA) in 2007, was delivered and installed in the Embuthweni area, situated about 12kms by road in a southerly direction from Mid-Illovo. The WPP was donated by the KZN DCGTA to …


Facing the Challenge to Provide Potable Water in Africa

The provision of sufficient, potable water in Africa is becoming ever more challenging nowadays. And this is no more so than in the case of far-flung, scattered or peri-urban communities that are often overlooked in terms of this essential provision. Ideal for use in such locations are Intaka Tech Water Purification Plants (WPP), which can …


Meeting the Water Needs of Remote Communities

The provision of sufficient, potable water in Africa is becoming ever more challenging nowadays, and no more so than in the case of far-flung, scattered, remote or peri-urban communities that are often overlooked in terms of vital provisions. Intaka Tech Water Purification Plants (WPP’s) are ideal for use in such conditions. It comes as no …


Meeting Immediate Municipal Water Needs

Helping to meet immediate water needs at municipal level, is Intaka Tech, a division of the Intaka Group, manufacturer and marketer of state-of-theart equipment, including mobile Water Purification Plants (WPPs). The primary objective of this solutionsdriven company is to improve and enhance the lifestyle, and well-being of its target market. With its head office in …

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